I came upon this sweet wire wastebasket at an Antiques booth at the beginning of the summer. The lady at the booth was such a sweetheart! She let me bring all of my treasures and finds (um, there were quite a few of them) and store them at her booth until the end of the day. I told her I would look up her antiques shop the next time I went on a road trip down south because she was just so kind and helpful.

My first instinct was to spray paint it a crisp white. Although now that I've had time to look at it for awhile I think I'll leave it as is. A little worn, a little chipped, a little rusty.

I've also decided that it will not, I repeat
will not, be used as a wastebasket. It's too pretty!

So for now I'll use it to store some old magazines that I had collecting dust in the basement. Hmmmmm, those magazines are calling my name to waste away the afternoon rereading.... in the backyard... in the sunshine... with a cold drink.... and a salty snack.... and Roary's company. :)
So cute and simple. I love it!