I surf the internet all the time for fabric. I am constantly drawn to these beautiful, bold, colourful prints. I oooooh and ahhhhh at them and save their pictures in a special folder on my desktop but I never, ever, ever order or buy any to use for pillows, curtains, or any other fabric project in my home.
It's sad, really.
I'm too afraid!
Issue #1. There are no fabric stores where I live. Okay, I lied. There are three fabric stores where I live but they all have terrible selections. Terrible with a capital T. I chatted with one of the quilt store owners one day, and I kind of asked about some of the fabrics I was interested in. She told me that 99% of her customers had short grey hair and were making quilts for their grandchildren. She said that her customers would be "scared" of the kind of designer fabrics I was looking for and so her store would probably never carry any. Boooooooo.
That's when I started searching online.
Issue #2. I live in Canada. Which means I usually have to order fabric from the States and the shipping costs are, how do I say this, high. Shipping to Canada = bad.
Issue #3. I am terribly, horribly afraid that I will purchase/order some of the beautiful, bold fabrics that I oogle at online only to find out that they look awful in my home and I will have wasted all of that time, effort, and money. It's just so hard to get a sense of the fabric's true colour and texture through a computer screen!
So the reason this whole post came about is because I am working on our breakfast room makeover and the room will eventually need curtains and seat covers. I'm trying to live on the edge and make curtains that aren't white. Hello, colour!
After searching and searching and searching, I finally found this sweet fabric. It's called Smartie Punch and is a P. Kaufmann fabric. (Click on the image to see it up close.)

What do you think of this fabric for curtains? Love it? Hate it? Think it's too bright? Too girly? Too plain? Just right?