Ummmmmm, I really should change the title to "Top Ten Posts From Half of 2010." This 'lil here blog is only six months old. It's my baby. It was just this past summer when I discovered all of you lovelies and decided to join in the fun.
I'm going to share my most popular posts as well as a few of my personal favourites. I apologize in advance if you've seen all of these projects a trillion times already. I have this habit of blasting them all over the internet at every single link party that exists.
New Years Resolution #257: Stop crashing ten thousand link parties. No-one wants to see your projects that badly.
Post #1: Teeny Tiny Powder Room Reno {Link here}
Our little half bath got a makeover from top to bottom. Al and I did all the work ourselves. It's the only room in the whole house that is completely finished. I bought three different mirrors before finding the perfect one. It was worth it.
Post #2: Ugly Pine Side Table Makeover {Link here}
Out of boredom one day I decided to try painting our ugly pine side table. I tried my hand at making a stencil, too. It turned out pretty cute. Buh bye, pine.
Post #3: Green on Green Stripes for Roary's Friend's Bedroom {Link here}
This is one of the first home projects I ever posted. Those stripes took for-e-v-e-r. I loved them then and still love them now. They are in our little Ethiopian baby's room which is pretty much empty except for a matching striped zebra. Come on referral!!!!
This post is one that still gets so many visits! I borrowed and tweaked the idea from a few other bloggers so I can't take too much credit for this one.
Not saying anything more about these. I don't want you giving me dagger eyes through your computer screen.
Not saying anything more about these, either. Please no dagger eyes, pleeeeeease.
Post #7: Fall Wreath Tutorial {Link here}
This was the first wreath I ever made. In hindsight I wish I used some white. Everything's gotta have white, right???
Post #8: Tie-Up Shade Tutorial {Link here}
This was my attempt to create a Pottery Barn knock-off tie-up shade. I wrote a tutorial. I swore I'd never do another tutorial after that one.
Post #9: Cubby Shelf Makeover {Link here}
We added beadboard to the back of this cubby shelf and gave it some fresh paint and tiny numbers. We still don't have it up anywhere yet. Add that to the list.
Post #10: The Longest Windowbox Ever {Link here}
Alex made this giant windowbox for me for my birthday. It's at the front of the house and it's huge - twelve feet long to be exact! Don't even ask how many annuals I need to buy every spring to fill it up. Ouch. But so worth it.
So, that's a little summary of what I've been working on for the last few months. I really hope I didn't just bore you to death with my slew of old photos. I promise that I'll have some new projects and ramblings for 2011. And maybe, just maybe, you'll stick around to read about those, too. I hope so!! :)
P.S. I had to use some smaller photos since the quality was really poor. Sorry 'bout that.
P.S.S. I put this post together just so I could participate in Rhoda's top projects of 2010 post. I was feeling left out. But not anymore............ weeeeeeeeeeeeee!