Aperature Priority Mode Is My New Best-Friend

Friday, June 10, 2011

A few weeks ago I linked up one of my photos to a link party over at Milestones and Memories. I was super duper flattered when the author of the blog, Andi, invited me to do a guest post about aperature.

Who? Me!?! (Looking around wildly to see if she's looking my way.)

I'm no photography expert that's for sure. But I'm sorta, kinda getting it. So I shared what I've learned about aperature so far and you can check out my totally random very technical explanation over on her blog today:

I included a few recent pictures in my guest post if you want to check them out. They're of flowers and dogs. Just a heads up. ;)


  1. Please, please, pretty please keep sharing what you are learning in your photography class. For some reason you explanations are so much easier than anyone else that has ever explained this to me. I've been attempting this for 18 months with my DSLR and I'm finally getting it when you explain. Maybe because you are just learning and not assuming we know anything - thanks!

  2. I'm pretty found of aperature priority mode too, but definitely getting better at shooting strictly in manual. Your pictures are beautiful!! Congratulations on your guest post!!

  3. I agree with Bethany! Your explanations are great!! Could you see the glow from the lightbulb moments I was having in Alberta!!!! I so want to get better at my photography! Will just keep on a clickin! Have a great week end and thanks for your great posts! Keep em coming!!

  4. You did a great job explaining aperture! Your pictures came out great. Loved the flower shot. And of course your handsome guy!

  5. I also agree with Bethany. I have owned a SLR camera for about 18 months. I attempted to read the manual, but quickly realized that I don't understand hieroglyphics. My camera stays in auto mode. That was until I read your post. The Hallelujah chorus went off in my head. I actually understand what you are saying to me about my camera. You are my translator. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  6. I have to agree with the others--thank you and please keep writing about photography! You are so easy to understand! I got a beautiful Nikon for Christmas and I have been struggling...Like you said, I was getting better photos with my point and shoot and the manual just seemed like Greek. I feel like I made progress for the first time today!

  7. I love to take pictures but I have never been able to understand explanations of aperture, iso, etc... Thank you for writing the first explanation that has ever made sense to me! Please share more of your wisdom!


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