If you're in the mood for the most random post of all time, then this is the one for you. Let's start the randomness with a keeping-it-real photo.
Oh boy.
Living Room Toy Explosion
I had a really cute email from a reader mentioning that she had two little boys and had a hard time managing their daily messes. She then went on to give me a compliment on having such a neat and orderly home with a baby boy on the loose. I had a little chuckle as I responded, sharing my #1 organization tip: move all the clutter out of the way before taking a picture for the blog. :)
So here is a real life picture of our living room / sun room from this morning:
Why oh why is my baby obsessed with the dusty vacuum cleaner!?!?! |
Since the basement is still being renovated, we spend the majority of our time playing in the living room and sun room. As the toys pile up, I'm wondering if I should start thinking of some toy storage / organization that will keep the clutter under control for the time being. Ooooooh... another excuse for online shopping? Sweeeeet.
I Sucked Up a Curtain Panel With the Vacuum
So just when I was giving myself some super-mom praise this morning for being showered, dressed, and vacuuming before 10:00 a.m., I had a bit of an unfortunate accident. I managed to vacuum the whole main floor without incident, however when I got to the breakfast room I found a giant mess of leaves on the floor. Our pup Lexie always jumps up to look out the window and jostles the indoor tree that I keep by the window. There were so many leaves that I decided to take the floor attachment off the vacuum and just suck the leaves up with the hose.
Except, horror of all horrors, the stinkin' vacuum cleaner sucked up one of my
beautiful, white, Crate and Barrel curtain panels. In a moment of panic I yanked on the curtain while the vacuum was still running, thinking that it would slide right out. Little did I know that the inside of my rotten vacuum has these little prongs that apparently like to rip holes in fabric. Who's super-mom now? Um, not me.
I may have cried a little inside when I finally got the darned thing out. There are four or five spots that look like the above photo. I'm trying to pass the blame onto the dog. Or the vacuum. Or the curtain panels for being so light and airy and suctionable.
Our Ikea Slipcovers Are Here!
We had the best delivery last week -
our Ikea slipcovers! Usually I am too afraid to answer the door when someone knocks and I'm home alone (my irrational brain always thinks it's a murderer disguised in a delivery costume who is going to stuff me in the back of his van). Luckily for me Alex wasn't feeling well and had taken the day off from work so he was home to answer the door. :)
Even though I want to open the boxes and spiffy up our living room with some new crisp covers like right now, I came up with a brilliant plan. Since Cooper's first birthday is coming up in a few weeks, I thought I would wait until the day before his little party before putting them on our living room furniture. That'll mean one less thing I have to worry about before we have company over.
What can I say, I'm lazy like that.
(Last week Alex spilled coffee and chili on the loveseat. CHILI people. Guess who's never allowed to eat or drink anything in the living room again?)
Coops' Easter Basket
I made up a little Easter basket for Cooper. Except instead of a basket I used a bucket. And instead of chocolates I filled it with toys. Just a few. Because he's cute.
Crinkly Paper - Michael's
Pail - Michael's
Scoop & Strainer - Michael's
Fisher Price Piggy Bank - Wal-Mart
Play-a-Sound Baby Animals by Eric Carle - Wal-Mart
Bubbles (not pictured) - Wal-Mart
I'm pretty obsessed with that little piggy bank. Best.Toy.Ever! Cooper has been playing with it all week so far. Okay truth.... I've been playing with it all week. I'm not usually a fan of annoying toy sounds but the piggy bank makes the cutest cha-ching! sound every time you drop a coin in. Also, when you pull the tail, the pig sneezes and the coins all roll out. It's pretty adorable. I'm pretty sure that Cooper will be good with his money in the future just because of this little toy. ;)
Oh yeah, when I let Cooper have a liiiiittle lick of a Lindt Easter egg on the weekend he, how should I put this, wasn't quite satisfied. He didn't want a lick, he wanted the whole thing. Takes after his mama I guess!
Well, I think that's enough random stuff for today. We'll be staying close to home and drinking lots of fluids for the next few days. First Alex caught a cold, then Cooper came down with it, and now after lots of slobbery kisses (from Cooper not Alex) I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose this morning. The perfect remedy? Movies in bed. When Cooper wakes up from his nap he and I are watching Definitely, Maybe with
Ryan Reynolds.
Hee hee. He's dreamy.