Your Nutrition Spot

Junior’s Story

Junior Sampson, Before and After

Junior Sampson

Junior Sampson was a cross-country truck driver for many years. Through those years driving over the road, Junior’s lifestyle choices caused his health to deteriorate. He lost control of his diabetes and his weight. In 2011, Junior’s doctor gave him some discouraging news about his health that made him take a step back and look at his past lifestyle choices and how he arrived at where he was. At that time, Junior weighed 450 pounds. His doctor told him that he needed to change his habits to get healthy.

Within six weeks of changing his eating habits and getting proper nutrition, Junior lost 40 pounds. He couldn’t exercise yet because of his weight. He didn’t start exercising until almost one year later.

Currently, Junior has lost over 140 pounds and has his diabetes under control! He feels energized and healthier overall and continues to lose weight.

Both Junior and his wife Kim wanted to help others get healthy with proper nutrition and fitness. Teamed up with another couple, they opened their first nutrition club. Shortly after opening their doors, business flooded in and they began coaching their customers, teaching them how they too could get healthy and fit.

Junior and Kim continue to help more people than ever to become successful with their nutrition and fitness goals!


Consumers who use Herbalife Formula 1 twice per day as part of a healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around 0.5 to 1 pound per week. Participants in a 12-week, single-blind, study used Formula 1 twice per day (once as a meal and once as a snack) with a reduced calorie diet and a goal of 30 minutes of exercise per day. Participants followed either a high protein diet or a standard protein diet. Participants in both groups lost about 8.5 pounds.

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