Write For Us

Hello, fellow décor enthusiast! If you’re here, it means you’re interested in sharing your passion, creativity, and insights with the CozyCottageCute community. And I couldn’t be more thrilled! I’ve always believed that the world of home décor is vast, with endless perspectives and stories. And who better to tell those stories than you?

💌 Submit Your Guest Post Directly: Sierra@cozycottagecute.com

Why Write for Us?

CozyCottageCute isn’t just my blog; it’s a community. By contributing, you’ll be able to:

  • Share your unique perspective and voice with a receptive audience.
  • Collaborate with fellow décor enthusiasts and make connections.
  • Enhance your portfolio with published articles on a reputable platform.

What We’re Looking For

![Image suggestion: A collage of cozy rooms, DIY projects, and hand-drawn designs.]

  • Personal Stories: Have a heartwarming story about a family heirloom or a piece of furniture you’ve restored? We’d love to hear it!
  • Decor Tips & Tricks: If you have a knack for maximizing small spaces, choosing the right color palettes, or any other decor-related skill, share your wisdom.
  • DIY Projects: Guide our readers through your latest DIY venture with clear instructions and engaging visuals.
  • Trend Forecasts: Are you always ahead of the curve when it comes to home décor trends? Share your predictions with us!

Submission Guidelines

To ensure consistency and maintain the ethos of our community, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Originality: All submissions must be original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  2. Length: Articles should be between 800 to 1500 words.
  3. Images: Include high-quality images relevant to your content. Ensure you have the rights to use them or provide proper attribution.
  4. Formatting: Please submit your piece in a Word document or Google Doc format, with clear headings and subheadings.
  5. Bio: Include a short bio (2-3 sentences) and a photo of yourself. Feel free to add links to your social media profiles or personal blog.

How to Submit

  1. Email your submission to Sierra@cozycottagecute.com
  2. Use the subject line: “Submission: [Your Article Title]”.
  3. Attach your article and images (or provide links to them).
  4. Please allow up to 2 weeks for a response. We appreciate your patience as we review all submissions thoroughly.

A Few Tips

  • Be genuine and write from the heart. Our community values authenticity.
  • Make sure your piece aligns with the CozyCottageCute aesthetic and ethos.
  • Proofread your submission to ensure it’s free of grammatical and factual errors.

Thank you for considering CozyCottageCute as a platform for your voice. I’m excited to read your stories, tips, and insights. Here’s to a beautiful collaboration and the shared love of all things cozy and cute!