DR. Justine Hextall MBBS FRCP
C. V. DeGiovanni1, A. Robson1, D. McGibbon1, S. J. G. Cummins1,2, J. M. Hextall Multiple nodules a cause for concern? Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Volume 35, Issue 4, pages e193-e195, June 2010
Farrant P, Abu-Nab Z, Hextall J.M Tender erythematous nodules on the lower limb. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009 Jun;34(4):549-51.
E Seccombe. J.M.Hextall Minerva BMJ. 2008 March 22; 336(7645): 676.
E.Perrier, J.M.Hextall A patient’s journey: intensive Care. BMJ 2007 April 14:334 . 796-797
Jeyaratnam D, Robson A.M, Hextall J.M., MacMahon E.M.E.et al. Concurrent Verrucous and Varicelliform Rashes following Renal Transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation July 2005 vol 5 (7) 1772-1776
Yones SS,Palmer RA,Hextall JM,Hawk JLM. Exacerbation of presumed actinic dermatitis by cockpit visible light in airline pilot with atopic eczema. Photomedicine, photoimmunology and photomedicine Journal vol 21(3) 152-153 June 2005
Chalmers RJG, Kirby B, Smith A, Burrows P, Little R, Horan M, Hextall J, Smith CH, Klaber M, Rogers S. Replacement of routine liver biopsy by procollagen III aminopeptide for monitoring psoriasis patients receiving long-term methotrexate:a multicentre audit and health economic analysis. Br.J.Dermatology 2005 Mar;152(3):444-5
Morris-Jones R, Youngchim S, Hextall JM, Gomez BL, Morris-Jones SD,Hay RJ,Casadevall A, Nosanchuk JD,Hamilton AJ. Scytalidium dimidiatum causing recalcitrant subcutaneous lesions produces melanin. J. Clin Microbiol. 2004 Aug;42(8):3789-94
Ebrecht M. Weinman J. Hextall J.M. Kirtley L.G. Taylor A. Dyson M. Perceived stress and Cortisol levels predict Speed of wound healing in healthy male adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2004 Jul;29(6):798-809
Hextall J.M., Edmonds E., McGrath J. Widespread Lupus Vulgaris with Mycobacterium Bovis JEADV Oct 2003;17 (supp3) abstract FC1-3
Hoque S. Hextall J.M. Hay R.J. A Case of Bullous Impetigo Mimicking Pemphigus Foliaceous. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2003 July;28(4)465
Hextall J.M ‘Experience Essential’ Doctors Training. Daily Telegraph Letters. Feb 13th 2003
Hextall J.M Algaratnam N.J. Glendinning A.K. Basketter D.A. Mcfadden J.P. A Study to examine the relationship between both dose and time for elicitation of skin allergy to para-phenylenediamine in sensitive subjects. Contact Dermatitis -6 2002 Aug;47(2)96-9
Ebrecht M., Weinman J., Hextall J.M, Kirtley L.G., Taylor A., Dyson. M. Stress. Cortisol and wound Healing Abstract Stress 2002.
Jeyratnam D., Hextall J.M, Wong W., MacMahon M.E. Forgotten but not Gone. British Infection Society abstract March 2002
October 2010 A Dermatologist’s guide to skin. Aesthetic practitioners training day. Wellcome Institute London.
July 2010 Use of cleansers and moisturisers in problem skin. FACE international conference Royal College of physicians London
March 2010 Diagnosis and management of skin lupus
Regional rheumatology training day . Chelsea and Westminster hospital
Dec 2004 Southhampton university Hospital: Management of Skin lupus and other related connective tissue disorders.
July 2004 Ten Topics in Rheumatology International conference. Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital: Management of Difficult Skin Lupus.
March 2004 Guy’s and St.Thomas’ Hospital: Intensive Care Unit Dermatology.
February 2004 St John’s institute of Dermatology Society: A Severe Drug reaction to Sulphasalazine.
November 2003 The Rayne Institute: Skin Lupus Erythematosus :Clinical Presentation Diagnosis and Management.
October 2003 The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: An
Unusual case of widespread lupus vulgaris caused by Mycobacterium bovis.
July 2003 British Association of Dermatologists: The Post inflammatory cutaneous hyperreactivity syndrome.
July 2003 St.John’s institute of Dermatology-Conquest of skin: Bacterial skin infections.
November 2001 Royal Society of Medicine: A Case of Dermovate Induced Adrenal Suppression.
October 2001 St. Johns Institute of Dermatology: Management Of Toxic
epidermal Necrolysis Best Practice.
July 2001 St John’s institue of Dermatology- Conquest of skin: Management of
drug reactions.
July 2001 British Association of Dermatologists: A Study Looking at the Association between Dose and Exposure Time to PPD and Response.
July 2001 British Association of Dermatologists: An unusual Case of Deep infection with Scytalidium Dimidiatum
June 2001 St. Johns Institute of Dermatology Society: A Case of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
January 2001 Royal society of medicine meeting in Dermatology: Deep mycoses in an immunosuppressed patient.
November 2000 Guys Hospital Medical Grand Round: The skin a Clinicians Guide to Underlying Disease.
June 2000 St Johns Institute of Dermatology Society: A case of Subcutaneous fat necrosis and Hypercalcaemia.
June 2000 St Johns Institute of Dermatology society: A case of Langerhans Histiocytosis.
Jan 2000 Royal Society of Medicine Meeting in Dermatology: Multiple Keratoacanthomata and Acute Myeloblastic Leukaemia.
May 1999 St John’s Hospital Dermatological Society: ‘Pyoderma gangrenosum: disease association and management.’